
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Grace Hath Brought Me Home Thus Far And Grace Will Lead Me Home!

It is by divine intervention I think that I happened to land up with this job which is satisfying all my emotional,intellectual and gastronomical needs.I have a fully functional Mess in my school which serves delicious meals in breakfast and lunch.I'm also urged by many people around to join the 'Cooking Club'..because to my understanding and revealation either I'm talking about food.. or children.. all the time! I must be really driven to do this..I didn't realise I was!A real Aha moment!
Here,I have a blog too dedicated to food and related to children..coincidence?!! Nah!! Sometimes the more you do something the more you start to believe in it..The Law Of Inertia. And then,the more you draw those things you love in your life! The Law of Attraction.:)
So.In my new job as a Primary School Teacher,I'm urged and coaxed to join the 'Cooking Club'which I will.I'm soon going to give it a good name too.Suggestions anyone?
Next October 12th, Spanish Day is being celebrated in school.Our Spanish teacher needs the 'Cooking Club' to come up with some scrumptious Spanish dish for the diners..I can't wait ..el plato buena comida !!! Ummmmmmmm!!! Mio!!!